“Top Gifts for the Book Lover”


Book lovers are an easy group of people to buy for because there are so many products geared to readers of all ages.

Here are some of the top book lover gift ideas:

*The Book “The Essentials of Fabulous” by Ellen Lubin-Sherman

This wonderful little paperback combines good manners, style, and humor to the realities we face in today’s world.

“No one is born fabulous,” author Ellen Lubin-Sherman writes. “You have to decide to do it—to transform yourself into one of those amazing creatures that infiltrate our lives and ignite our dreams with their swagger, energy, pizzazz, and soigné charm.”

The Essentials of Fabulous


You can find it at the link below


Also check out this interview with the author and Tessa Smith McGovern of BookGirlTv at the link below. If you are having trouble you can view it at www.bookgirl.tv/ellen-lubin-sherman/


*Book Light

A book light that clips onto a book or e-reader is an essential for book lovers. The book lover can read into the late hours of the night when their partner is sleeping. It also allows for easier reading in dark rooms for people like me who need more light in order to see the words.

*E-reader stand

This makes it easier to read for a long period of time. The e-reader stand props up the device allowing the book lovers hands to rest or hold a mug of coffee/tea or a glass of wine!

*A gift card

A gift card to a bookstore is always a great gift to give a book lover. Not only does the friend get to purchase a book they want, but also it allows the book lover to browse through the store pausing at the piles of books, and magazines. All book lovers relish the thought of getting lost for some time in a bookstore.

If you have some ideas, please feel free to share them. Happy Shopping!

Best Books,


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