Happy Fourth of July!
This is from my friend at The Wisdom Alliance. She has such good thoughts about Celebrating Your Freedom.
“Thoughts on the 4th of July: Declaring Your Personal Independence & Freedom!
In thinking about July 4th, Our Independence Day, and all the freedoms we Americans enjoy and celebrate on this holiday, it occurred to me that this would be a fine time to challenge you to declare independence from all the things that keep you stuck in the past & apart from your brilliance!
So here’s a list that I started, and I invite you to add on….what are you willing to let go of?
Today, I Declare My Independence From:
Blaming Others
– Deflecting responsibility for my own life
– Approval of others
– Worry
– Attachment to the past
– Limiting beliefs
– The “cursed hows”
– Fear of failure
– Having to be “in the know”
– Negative (“Stinkin’~thinkin’”)thoughts
– Soul sucking people (energy vampires)
– Judgment & criticism the “almighty critical judge!”)
*Wishing you all a beautiful & blessed holiday with your loved ones*”
So as The Wisdom Alliance asks…what are your willing to let go of and declare your independence from?
Happy Independence Day!