Waggleview® with Lavender Pond Farm owner, Denise Salafia
A waggleview® reveals the incredible bond between the human and animal connection. These special interviews remind us to mindfully live in the moment, as our pets do every single day. Read our featured waggleview® to find out her dog’s philosophy on life and how her dog inspires her.
The Dog Owner: Denise Salafia is the owner of Lavender Pond Farm in Killingworth, CT. Lavender Pond Farm is the largest lavender farm in New England with more than 9,000 lavender plants on their 25-acre property. Like their Facebook page or visit www.lavenderpondfarm.com for more information.
Dog type and Name:
Flora is a Labradoodle from Great Rock Labradoodles in Killingworth.
Q: Why did you choose this dog?
Our oldest son was allergic to dogs but we had friends that had good luck with doodles. We did a site visit to the breeder and he showed no signs of a reaction. Flora’s breed sheds very little dander and she’s not much of a kisser (dog saliva is an allergen) so it’s been wonderful. She’s become an intrinsic part of our farm and our lives.
Q: Do you talk to your dog? If so, what do you talk about?
I talk to Flora all the time. We talk about what we’re doing each day. About how pretty she is. We talk about how the plants are doing. We talk about who’s working at the farm each day and we especially talk about the chickens. They are one of her favorite subjects.
Q: If she could talk to you, what would she say?
Flora is definitely a mama’s girl with a sweet tooth, so most of her conversation would probably be about “where’s my mom” when I’m not home and “please let me out, I see the UPS driver that gives me cookies.” During lavender season, she is out in the fields with us all day. So she’s likely thinking “what’s with all these purple plants?”
Q: If your dog had a job or career, what would he be doing?
She’s a farm girl, but more importantly she really enjoys interacting with our guests; so I would imagine her in a position making people happy. A caregiver perhaps.
Q: What lesson in life has your dog taught you?
Flora has taught us that it’s ok to wear your fairy wings once in awhile. Have fun, roll in the grass, chase the geese and love your people.
Q: How does your dog inspire you?
Flora helps me start each day with a fresh outlook and inspires me to do my best to slow down and enjoy each moment.
Q: Where is your dog’s favorite place to go with you?
Every morning we walk the entire property, surveying the fields and seeing what needs to be done. She particularly enjoys saying good morning to the chickens.
Q: Who or what does your dog find the most interesting?
She really loves her Uncle Stevie, my 81-year-old uncle who visits every Thursday with a pocketful of dog treats. We also recently have been living with some baby chickens and she finds them very interesting. She’s not, however, a huge fan of our bees.
Q: What is the most annoying thing other dog owners do?
We’ve been fortunate to have many well-behaved, leashed pups visit Lavender Pond Farm. So other than the occasional “present” left behind, we’ve got no complaints.
Q: What does being a responsible dog owner mean to you?
Flora is truly part of our family, so we try to extend the same care to her that we do to each other.
Q: Do you ever dress up your dog? If so, as what?
Actually yes. Flora regularly wears her fairy wings around the farm. She’s developed so much of a following that she has “Flora’s Corner”. It’s a part of our shop dedicated to Flora and her products, including fairy wings.
Q: How has your dog changed your life?
Bringing Flora home came during a time of great change for us. We had just sold our house, acquired the farm property and begun the process of farming lavender. During all the turmoil, she became and remains a calming and grounding influence for our entire family.
Q: Does your dog have a philosophy of life?
Flora’s philosophy would be, stop and smell the lavender. It only blooms for a short time.
Q: I love my dog because she is truly part of my family. Plus, she never, ever talks back.
Q: Have you ever made dog treats for your dog? If so, please share your recipe.
We are actually working on an organic, lavender based dog treat right now. Lavender is known for its calming properties, so we think it will be very well received by dog owners. Stay tuned!
WAGGLEVIEW®: These interviews are focused on leaders in business, the community, or at home. My hope in doing this is to present remarkable and respected people in their community with their beloved pets. Who can resist reading about pets and what these people do? This is a platform for people to display their talents; their own business, a new book, a deeply loved passion for a charity or their own job. It also shows their love for their pet!
Thank you Denise for taking the time to participate in the Waggleview®.
Does your dog have a philosophy of life?
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I love her name, Flora, so perfect for a Lavender farm! And I love the opening shot of her behind the lavender, she seems to be talking to us! Love it.
She is beautiful! She’s so friendly too. If you haven’t made a trip here-it’s certainly worth it-especially when the lavender is in bloom. It’s heavenly smelling.