
  "There is no controlling life. Try corralling a lightning bolt, containing a tornado. Dam a stream and it will create a new channel. Resist, and the tide will sweep you off your feet. Allow, and grace will carry you to higher ground. The only safety lies in letting it all in- the wild and...

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“The Guest House”

This being human is a guest-house, Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness. Some momentary awareness comes As an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, Who violently sweep your house Empty of its furniture. Still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing...

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What Lies Within Us

“What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us” Ralph Waldo Emerson It is only when we really look within ourselves, to see what unfolds us to the world, can we become the best at ourselves. Things happen...

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