“What type of genre would your dog write about?” Waggleview with author, T.L. Costa, winner of the 2013 USA Best Book Award for Young Adult Fiction
Please read the Waggleview below to find out about this remarkable woman leader and her dog.
Woof on!
The Dog Owner: T.L. Costa is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and has a Masters of Teaching from Quinnipiac University.
Her debut, Playing Tyler, won the 2014 Nautilus Silver Winner in Young Adult (YA) Fiction, won the 2013 USA BEST BOOK AWARD for Young Adult Fiction and was a finalist in the Booksellers Best Awards and the 2014 Silver Falchion Awards.
Her short story, The Poet, appears in the RWA Anthology, PREMIERE, which was edited by Sylvia Day.
She taught high school for five years before becoming a full-time mom and writer. She has lived in Texas, New York, New Jersey and Spain. Currently, she lives in Connecticut with her husband and two children.
Dog type and Name: Callie– mixed breed
Q: Why did you choose this dog?
We went to a Companion Pet Rescue and Transport event at Cheshire Dog and Cat. My youngest son spotted her and we took her out to play with her and fell in love.
Q: Do you talk to your dog? If so, what do you talk about?
All the time! As a writer, I tend to talk through sticky plot points with her.
Q: What type of character would your dog play in your novels?
My dog would absolutely be the devoted hero of my novels, she’s curious, brave, and loyal. Fits the bill nicely.
Q: What type of genre would she write about?
If my dog were to write fiction, she would write adventures. IE: Dawn of the Hydrangea Eating Deer Beast and The Day the Raccoon Crossed the Bike Path.
Q: If she could talk to you, what would she say?
Please, mom, let me eat that wild turkey!
Q: If your dog had a job or career, what would she be doing?
She would be a child psychologist. Her gentle nature and infinite patience with little ones would make her a natural.
Q: What lesson in life has your dog taught you?
Unconditional love and optimism.
Q: How does your dog inspire you?
She keeps me on the move. No matter the weather, she needs her walk.
Q: Where is your dog’s favorite place to go with you?
Out for our walk.
Q: Who or what does your dog find the most interesting?
She finds little places in the yard to make into her burrows.
Q: What does being a responsible dog owner mean to you?
Taking her for regular walks, making sure she stays up-to-date on her vaccinations and a general consciousness of her membership in our immediate family.
Q: Have you ever made dog treats for your dog? If so, please share your recipe.
Once, but she wasn’t a fan.
WAGGLEVIEWS: These interviews are focused on woman leaders in business, the community, or at home. My hope in doing this is to present remarkable and respected women in their community with their beloved pets. Who can resist reading about dogs and what these women do? This is a platform for women to display their talents; their own business, a new book, a deeply loved passion for a charity or their own job. It also shows their love for their dog!
Thank you T.L. Costa for taking the time to participate in the Waggleview.
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What type of genre would your dog write about?
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