“How To Rejuvenate Yourself In Less Than A Minute”

You want to feel reinvigorated, right? (I’m nodding my head yes. Are you?) You’re ready to start over, right? (Raise your hand if you are.) Maybe you want to start over in your career, relationship, health, or your ___________ (fill in the blank). Do you have a...

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“16 Steps for 2016!”

It’s a New Year, so here are some ways to make life better for ourselves and those around us. Let’s incorporate these 16 steps for a better you in 2016! Hope and dream Accept yourself Plan to read more Pray for peace Yearn to see goodness in all Never hold a...

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“Yep, The Time Has Come”

The semester has ended and the time has come that your college student is home to complete your nest. Warning: It will not be what you expect. Your student will be home to quickly say, “Hi Mom. I’m home.” You will next hear the thud of a...

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Act of Kindness Day 20: Suggest an AoK

"Do you have a great AoK idea that you'd like to see in this year's calendar? No, we're not short of ideas for kind acts. But we thought we'd give you, our loyal readers, a chance to recommend Acts of Kindness of your own. So...

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Act of Kindness Day 18: Share Your Good News

"It's the weekend again, and since you probably want to relax and unwind, here's an easy one for a lazy Saturday: share some good news. Did something awesome happen at work this week? Did your nephew get accepted into college? Did your team make the...

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