Updating web address to Lori Pelikan

Updating Web Address

There are changes coming to my website!

Some of the changes will reflect my love for living a mindful healthy lifestyle while living life in the moments.

We all want to live a life of fullness. So how do we do it? The answer is to ride the waves and don’t tame them. Exercise your mind, body, and soul. These are the mirepoix of life. It’s the foundation for a life of fullness. You’ll find some writings on life, health, and mindfulness here. I’ll share my favorite places and food, nutritional supplements, and a few secrets. And of course some moments with my dog, Louie.

I am a big proponent of mindfulness, exercise, skin care, and nutritional supplements. I have teamed up with a health care provider and Designs For Health in order to provide you with high quality nutritional supplements.

What’s the difference between these and other supplements?

“The Designs for Health “Science First” philosophy is the difference you’ll notice. It means superior quality products and proven efficacy. It means optimal results for you…”

I have been taking some of Designs For Health supplements for years. I believe supplements aren’t a substitute for quality food but they should enhance the diet by supplementing for nutritional deficiencies that result “from the consumption of processed foods with lower nutritional value, or nutrient-depleting lifestyle factors such as stress and chemical exposure.”

You can learn more about Designs For Health by clicking HERE.

When you go to my site at LoriPelikan.com you can access the supplements page through the drop down menu. You can also access it directly at mindfulhealth.ehealthpro.com. If you choose to purchase nutritional supplements, please be sure to sign up for my newsletter where you will receive a discount code for all supplements within 24 hours after you subscribe.

You will also notice that I will have simply changed the web address to Lori Pelikan…it’s shorter and I’ve always loved pelicans.

Updating web address to Lori Pelikan

image courtesy of Pixabay

Thank you for following along as I navigate the waters of a mindful healthy lifestyle with an empty nest and a dog.






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