“How To Deliver Acts of Kindness” by Lori Pelikan Strobel
For the last week, I have been doing “Acts of Kindness” each day. It all started when I saw a reverse advent calendar online. An advent calendar is used to countdown the days before Christmas. Opening a tiny door that has a hidden treat behind it marks each day. The reverse Advent calendar is all about giving instead of getting. Each day, I am emailed a new act of kindness to complete. If you want to jump in now to participate follow this link at noomii.com.
Let me catch you up on what I have done this past week for my “Acts of Kindness”.
Day 1: Phone a friend
I called a friend I haven’t spoken to in awhile. It was wonderful to catch up on her life and family.
Day 2: Be Kind to the Planet
In order to be kind to the planet, I was to pick up any garbage that I saw during my day. This was a little challenging since it was pouring rain. The garbage that I did happen to find while I was walking to my car was gross. I had to pick up a dental floss stick, a cigarette butt and a wet napkin. Thank goodness for Purell!
Day 3: Send a Hand Made Card
This was so much fun! I decided to make cards for my book club girlfriends. We were all meeting for our annual holiday dinner, so I quickly took out the construction paper, markers, glitter, and glue. I created (what I call) a minimalist card.
I extended all my creative energies to create an angel, a snowman, a menorah, and Santa’s hat. Inside the card is where I wrote each friend a note with a special quote.
Day4: Give Out Ten Compliments
What a joy to give out compliments! And how easy! I was doing a lot of errands and ran into many helpful people on day 4. Here’s where my ten compliments went: husband, receptionist at dog groomer, dog groomer, CVS clerk, Forever 21 clerk, 4 coffee barristers, and the Apple telephone customer service representative.
Day 5: Give to the Needy
I gathered up some coats, mittens, and scarves and brought them to the Salvation Army. Good to give and even better to get more room in my closet. It actually started me on an organization spree.
Day 6: Be Kind to Animals
What an easy day! I brought my dog up to a lake. It was a beautiful, warm, and sunny day, so we spent all afternoon outside. We played some fetch, took a walk, and then cuddled on the couch. Love my dog!
Day 7: Smile
The act of kindness for the day was to smile. Smile at everyone. It was Monday and sometimes no one wants to smile on Monday. However, I smiled my cheeks off and got smiled at too. Actually, some people just started chatting away to me while I waited in line for my tea. It was a good day!
I can’t wait to see what my act of kindness will be for tomorrow. I would love for you to follow my days of being a Kindness Ambassador.
Stay tuned for the rest of the days… You can following along at my website here or follow Facebook, or Follow me on Twitter @loripstrobel
Don’t forget to create your Act of Kindness!
If you would like to read “How I Discovered Some Beautiful”me” Time” click here.
If you would like to see what a waggleview™ is all about, read “If your dog were to write a poem, what would he write?”
Thank you for the eloquent reminder that kindness is inspirational and creative. It is a wonderful holiday tradition to focus on giving and kindness as the days grow cooler and the nights longer.
Thank you Susan for your heartfelt comment. I hope you follow along to see what other acts of kindness are ahead.