Act of Kindness Day 21: Turn on your Kindness Radar

"If you've been dilligently perfoming Acts of Kindess through the month, you may have noticed something: after a while, you start to be on the lookout for ways to be kind. That's because your capacity for kindness, like any other strength, grows with use, almost...

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Act of Kindness Day 20: Suggest an AoK

"Do you have a great AoK idea that you'd like to see in this year's calendar? No, we're not short of ideas for kind acts. But we thought we'd give you, our loyal readers, a chance to recommend Acts of Kindness of your own. So...

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Act of Kindness Day 18: Share Your Good News

"It's the weekend again, and since you probably want to relax and unwind, here's an easy one for a lazy Saturday: share some good news. Did something awesome happen at work this week? Did your nephew get accepted into college? Did your team make the...

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“Act of Kindness Day 18: High Five”

"It's Friday! High five! No really, for today's AoK your task is to high-five as many people as you can. High five your kids, your dog, your neighbors, your bus driver, your barista...

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Act of Kindness Day 17: Send a Song

"Think of a song that invokes a happy memory involving someone you care about. Then find that song on YouTube and email that person a link to the video. You might also want to add a brief note telling them how the song reminds you...

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